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3886 suurepärast tööpakkumist 5 kanalist Otsid töötajaid ? Avalda tööpakkumine

Electricity line worker

EURES Iirimaa


- Grid Team Services limited is now one of Ireland’s principal Overhead Line Contractors with Framework positions on all of Irelands Networks.
- The Voltages worked on range from LV/10/11/20/38kV to 110/220/275/400kV. We are seeking to recruit staff for long-term Contracts across all of Ireland.
- Candidates will be required to perform duties within their voltage level approval. Work will feature climbing and working at height on wooden poles and Steel towers.
- Replacing conductors, fittings and steel members. Also Stringing conductors using specialist Equipment.
- Splicing Testing and Terminating Conductors, taking Switch out permits and applying Line Earths.

Nõuded kandidaadile

Keel Kõnes Kirjas
EN nõutud B1 B1
Töökogemus sarnasel ametikohal
vähemalt 2 aastat
Muud nõuded
- Minimum Experience required (years): 2 years of work in an Electrical Utility Overhead line environment. - Minimum Qualification: Trained Ability to work Safely at heights on Wood pole and Steel Power lines. - Ability/Skill: Knowledge of Personal Safety systems and equipment - Competency Skills: Observation of Safety Systems - Additional Skills: Use of various Overhead Line measuring devices for earthing/conductivity and ground strength - Specialisation in: Optic Fibre conductor - English is the working language. Training will be provided where relevant.

Omalt poolt pakume

- Assistance: With flights & Accommodation
- Permanent full time contract
- Salary: €26/hour for Senior PICW Linesman, €22/hr for competent Linesman.

Töökoha andmed

Töökoha asukoht
Vabade töökohtade arv
Töötasu (bruto)
(Salary: €26/hour for Senior PICW Linesman, €22/hr for competent Linesman)
Hours: 40 per/week plus overtime
Töösuhte kestus

Kandideerimise info

Please send your CV to [email protected]
Web Site:
Kandideerimise tähtaeg
Vajalikud dokumendid
EURES adviser, [email protected]